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Saturday, March 14, 2009

A Blessing

Wednesday our church had the privilege to have a Awesome band perform a concert. The band is called the Annie Moses Band. They were such a blessing to everyone including Phil and I. I just thought I would share them with y'all. We have been listening to their songs everyday since then. You can go to their website www.anniemosesband.com and listen to their songs. We are hoping to take some friends and family to see them in concert again sometime soon. They are also on itunes. They are a family that play all different instruments and are all Julliard trained. Their songs are wonderful but listening to them over the Internet pales in comparison to seeing them in person. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Julie said...

We were out of town!! I'm so sorry we missed such an awesome musical extravaganza. I'm glad to know I can still hear them on the internet, even if it is a little paler than your memories! ;-)